Welcome to our Giving page at Christ Church!
We are grateful for your support of Christ Church Sugar Land! If you have questions about giving, contact our finance team at, or by calling the church office at 281.980.6888.
Here, you can easily stay up-to-date with our financial progress:
- Giving Year to Date (YTD): Track our total donations this year. Updated monthly.
- Expenses Year to Date (YTD): See how we’re using the funds. Updated monthly.
- Weekly Attendance: Check the average weekly attendance over the past 4 weeks.
- New Members This Year: See how many individuals have become cherished members of Christ Church.
Ready to contribute? You can also give using the form on this page. Your contributions and presence mean a lot to us. Thank you for being a part of Christ Church’s journey!
Because of your faithful financial support of Christ Church, we were able to be “Here for Good” in all our program areas – Children’s, Youth, Adults of all ages, and Missions (both local and global). Our 2024 budget was $2,771,767. Program costs were under budget by 15%, facility costs were under budget by 3%, and personnel costs were over budget by less than 1%.
Total pledges for 2024 were $1,618,149. Donations received toward pledges totaled $1,554,854, and non-pledged giving amounted to $587,948. Growing Generosity and Giving Tuesday donations contributed $167,551. The remaining $152,959 in income came from building use donations, ERC funds from SPRC and Finance, and miscellaneous income.
Donations accounted for 93.7% of total income. The remaining income was composed of 3.6% from ERC funds and 2.7% from building use and miscellaneous income.
Financial Support
2024 Expenses
2024 Income
Average Weekly Attendance
New Members 2024
2024 Income
Expenses YTD (Through November)
Annual Budget

Thank you to the 124 families who have contributed $139,792* to the Growing Generosity campaign! We still need the help of the entire church family to reach our goal and close the gap. We suggest each family consider a gift of $600. If this is beyond your current capacity, please give what you can. After giving, make sure to add a green leaf, a symbol of growth, to the tree in the Gathering Hall or lobby of the FLC.
Find out more about the campaign here.
*As of 10/23/2024