Hurricane Preparedness
Get Prepared for Hurricane Season with these two great resources. If you’d like paper copies, feel free to contact our Missions Director at 281.690.4755
Year End Celebration
Check out the links below to see our 2021 Missions recap of all the wonderful work done and generosity given by Christ Church over the year. God must be smiling at all His church has accomplished in the midst of all the challenges. Thank you Christ Church!
Let's Serve Together
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
-Matthew 25:40
Ways to Help
Make a selection to filter out the full list.
Angel Tree
Christmas Mission
Provide gifts and dinners for children (through Fort Bend ISD and Restorative Justice) and adults (through Adult Protective Services) during the Christmas holidays. See all the wonderful pictures of our 2023 Angel Tree here.
Backpack Buddies
Encourage a Child
Deliver packs filled with food once every two weeks to local schools who have children that have food insecurity. Houston Food Bank provides the food.
Disaster Relief
Provide Shelter
Assist in recovery/relief efforts in the event of a disaster. Be part of a trained Early Responder Team, volunteer for the local Red Cross shelter and/or help provide needed supplies.
Dream League
Encourage a Child
Provide support and encouragement for the Dream League (right next door). This baseball league was formed for students with intellectual and/or physical challenges.
East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry
Feed the Hungry
Through financial contributions and “people power,” help supply food, clothing, and financial assistance to families and individuals in crisis. Join our Food Pantry and Resale Shop groups.
Fort Bend Family Promise
Provide Shelter
Christ Church becomes a welcoming respite for families without a home. Join the team to provide meals, comprehensive support and hosting duties.
Garden Ministry
Feed the Hungry
Love to see things grow? Become one of our Gardeners! The garden located behind the Family Life Center provides fresh vegetables for the local Food Pantry.
Christmas Mission
Beyond the Wrapping & Into the World
Instead of giving your loved one a material gift, give a donation in their honor! Turn birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other gift-giving occasions into opportunities to witness for Christ. Your donations to these missions help people in need in our church, our community and our world.