The Gathering

October 3
10:00 am
– 1:30 pm
Jan Randolph

First Thursdays • 10 am – 1:30 pm

Loved ones with memory loss, specifically mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, other dementias, or cognitive impairment, can participate in this 3.5-hour program. Caregivers receive respite—a break from caregiving responsibilities—or may join a caregiver’s support group while their loved ones engage in planned activities such as games, music, arts and crafts, lunch, and socialization. We meet once a month on the first Thursday from 10 am to 1:30 pm for a time full of friendship and fun.

For additional information, please contact Jan Randolph. We are here to journey with you. Registration is required. To register, please contact Nancy Engle at

This is also a wonderful opportunity for those seeking a meaningful way to serve. To volunteer, call Jan at 281.980.4773.

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