All women of Christ Church are invited to join us for lunch and Christian fellowship!
Our guest speaker, Marcia Chaney, is the Senior Director of Community Engagement Santa Maria Hostel. Santa Maria Hostel is one of Texas’ largest multi-site residential and outpatient substance use disorder treatment centers for women, and one of a very few to offer a full continuum of services for women who are pregnant or parenting.
Some of the Santa Maria programs that Christ Church have been supporting are B.A.M.B.I. (Baby and Mother Bonding Initiative), and WHO (Women Helping Ourselves).
Marcia will be bringing a graduate with her to tell her story of recovery, we will certainly be blessed by hearing what these two women have to share about the redemptive love of Jesus changing lives.
Hosted by Monday Morning Bible Study. All women and their female guests are welcome and are encouraged to bring new socks (mother and infant sizes), or feminine hygiene products to benefit the women of Santa Maria Hostel.
Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 3.