Bonita House Formula Drive

September 24
Bins by 11/12
Sandra Vautrain

Christ Church will host a drive for Bonita House in Houston from September 10 to September 24. Bonita House is a residential drug and alcohol treatment center for pregnant women and those with babies and children. Christ Church has had a presence on this campus for many years, especially with BAMBI (Babies and Moms Bonding Initiative). We have been reaching out to the WHO (Women Helping Ourselves) group for about two years. Now, we are adding a third group, Women with Children. This group can range from pregnant women to children up to age 12. The wonderful news is that babies and children stay with their mothers while they are in treatment. God’s goodness abounds!

Items requested for our September drive are:

  • Powdered Formula (Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive)
  • NEW plastic bottles and bottle brushes (4.5 oz. & 9 oz.)
  • NEW Sports bras – sizes small to 3XL
  • NEW Cotton Brief women’s underwear – sizes 5 to 11

Please place donations in the Bonita House Collection Bin outside rooms 11/12.

Also, mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4, for a Gratitude Party at Bonita House. Rules on the campus require that all groups stay separate, so we will be hosting separate parties, although doing the same basic thing. Volunteers can move between the parties, but not the women. The need for help on November 4 is significant with us adding a third party. Please contact Sandra Vautrain at for more information.

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