Meals on Wheels

Deliver meals to homebound seniors in Fort Bend or help with our Christ Church distribution center.

Ministry Leader: Sue Lang
Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels serves all eligible senior citizens age 60 and over living in Fort Bend and Waller Counties. Their primary focus is the Meals on Wheels program for home-bound seniors. 
Home-delivered meals include 1 hot meal daily, Monday – Wednesday, 1 hot meal plus 3 frozen meals on Thursday for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Clients also receive an emergency kit that includes 5 shelf stable meals for times of natural disaster. Meals meet at least 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance of all nutrients required by adults  for five or more days per week to seniors who are homebound. Participants for the home-delivered meal program must be unable to physically attend a senior center and also be unable to safety prepare their own meals.
A once-a-week time commitment provides a much needed service for our elderly friends.  Volunteer drivers pick up prepared meals at the Austin Parkway entrance of Christ Church between 10:00 and 10:30. Volunteers deliver to 10-15 clients and are usually done by noon, although it’s easy to spend a little extra time chatting with our clients, especially those who live alone. Give me a call if you’d like more information!

For more info, email Team Leader: Sue Lang

To donate to this ministry financially, please select ‘Missions Donations’ and type ‘Meals on Wheels’ in the memo line when giving online.