To donate to this ministry financially, please select ‘Missions Donations’ and type ‘Habitat for Humanity’ in the memo line when giving online.
Building dreams…one board at a time! Join us and share in this home-building effort to support those in need in our community. Can’t swing a hammer? You can help in other ways. For example, by painting or providing a meal to our dedicated workers.
We are excited to announce our 18th Christ Church Habitat Home! No experience necessary! Whether you already know construction, are willing to learn, want to serve lunch, help greet/sign-in, we need everyone’s hands to complete this mission.
Sign Up
Contact Volunteer Coordinator Mary Kay Boitano-Nelson to sign up and be a part of the weekly email blasts. Let us know if you can come by Wednesday prior to the Saturday work day using a link to Sign-Up Genius.
What to Expect for our Habitat Home #18
Christ Church works in conjunction with Fort Bend Habitat to build a Habitat for Humanity home for a qualified family.
Christ Church provides $70,000 in cash and/or in-kind donations towards construction of a Habitat for Humanity home.
• Donations made directly to Fort Bend Habitat for Humanity can be earmarked to Christ Church SL
• Double your donation by checking with your Human Resource Department to see if your company participates in a matching program
• In-kind donations are always accepted. Including: concrete, paint, electrical or plumbing services, air conditioning, heating units, and landscaping supplies
• If you have friends or family members in the home-building industry let them know about this opportunity to donate extra materials. If you prefer, give us their names and we can contact them.
• You may give online or select Habitat in the GIFT Catalog.
Needville Home
A small, but valiant team of Habitat Supervisors worked during the hot summer hours to give Gloria and her two foster sons a place to call home. Gloria runs an animal rescue farm. While Christ Church did not finance the construction of the home, we provided the labor used to build it. View the photos here.
Our industrious Christ Church members partnered with Fort Bend Habitat to build 4 playhouses for the families that had received homes previously. One person can always make a difference in many lives and bring many smiles!
9:30 AM Mosaic Worship
9:30 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional & Contemporary Worship