Luke & Acts in 70 Days

Please join us in reading through Luke & Acts in 70 Days this summer as a Christ Church family!  All are encouraged to register at the link below to stay connected to communications and learning resources throughout the summer.  Each week begins with a Pastor’s Video about what you will be reading and ends with a discussion guide provided for group discussion or individual reflection.  The reading plan can be printed out or viewed below with links to each day’s scripture texts. Pastors are available at to field questions from participants directly about what they are reading. Responses will be emailed and posted to the closed LA70 Facebook Group which all registered participants can join here.

Would you like help understanding your readings through weekly group discussions?  LA70 Small Groups, online and in-person are forming now.  Please register by May 25 so we can help you get in a group that fits your schedule.  On the reading plan, your first few meetings would occur on day 0, 7, 14 etc..   Whether reading independently or with a group, please set your day 0 to be on or before June 5 if you can.  That way you will conclude the journey on or before August 14, the big launch day for the new Sunday worship schedule at Christ Church and new fall programs.

Please register soon and share this link with a friend via email or text who may wish to join you!   If you have questions about registration, please call reach out to Kim Ripley at 281.690.4777 or  For general questions about the LA70 program, please contact Pastor Dan at 281.690.4776 or  

The verses for each week are listed in the table below which you can read on your own bibles or hyperlink to the online text by clicking on them below. A printable pdf of the reading plan is also available here.

Join the LA70 Facebook Group for interesting topics and questions about the readings that will be posted for participants to comment on or for posting questions of your own.

We have pastor videos about what to look for in the readings, weekly participant/leader guides for those in the optional online small groups, and other helpful resources.