Christ Church is excited to offer another year of the “Created By God” program!
This program is designed to help fifth graders understand that they are a unique and wonderful creation made by God. Through open and Bible-based discussions, we address important topics like human sexuality, values, and relationships.
About the Student Guide:
The Student Guide is a thorough, straightforward resource for tweens, explaining the changes that come with adolescence. It covers similarities and differences between genders and provides a step-by-step guide through puberty.
Attendance Requirement:
Due to the sensitive topics and fast-paced learning, it’s essential that each child attends all six sessions. Attendance is crucial as each session builds upon the previous one.
Our Teachers:
The course is led by three experienced teams of couples, all of whom have extensive knowledge of the program and have undergone background checks and specialized training.
Class Schedule:
Classes will run for six weeks, beginning Sunday, January 19, and ending March 2. They will be held during the 11 AM worship hour and will conclude at 12:30 PM.
Mandatory Parent Meeting:
A parent meeting will be held on Thursday, January 16, at 7 PM in Rooms 210/211. This meeting will include important information, a presentation, a Q&A session, and an opportunity to meet our teachers. Childcare is available upon request, but please note that children should not attend this meeting.
If your child is in 6th grade and missed the class last year, please contact us after January 10 for availability. Priority is given to 5th graders.