
Gifts for the Christ Child

Here are all the ways to bring Christmas Joy to those in need. To jump to more information, click on one of the opportunities below.


Give In Faith Today

GIFT is Christ Church’s alternative to commercial gift-giving. Choose one of the gift options in the GIFT catalog found in the literature racks or online and you will receive a personalized card for you to give to the person(s) your donation will be honoring. Pick up a catalog at the church December 3-20, or visit us online anytime at www.christchurchsl.org/GIFT to view the catalog and place an order.

Dates to Remember

DECEMBER 20: Last day to order in time for Christmas Gifts

Questions? Contact Debbie Straw at debbie.hardy.straw@gmail.com.

Angel Tree

Visit our Virtual Angel Tree Here!

We will also have Angel Trees at the church.  Either way, pick one or several tags and make someone’s Christmas a special one. Adopt a person or a whole family!

Each tag represents a Christmas wish from an elderly person or a child in need here in Fort Bend County. Thank you for sharing Christ’s love toward those in need this Christmas season.

To learn more about Angel Tree, please visit their ministry page.

Dates to Remember

NOVEMBER 5 & 12: Signup sheet to join the Angel Tree team to help with our Sort Day on Dec 10 – Great Family Project! 

NOVEMBER 17-DECEMBER 3: Pick a tag (or tags) to fulfill or select gift(s) at our Virtual Angel Tree

DECEMBER 3 Week: Early return of gifts Mon-Thurs 9 am to 4 pm or Sunday 9 to 11 am

DECEMBER 10: Return present in gift bag with tag attached to the tree in the Gathering Hall by 11 am

Bring gifts in bag with corresponding tag attached by Dec. 10.

Questions? Contact Terri Nieser at terrinieser@gmail.com. Sign up to volunteer by clicking here.

WHO & BAMBI Christmas!

Join the Lamplighters as we host two Christmas parties for our friends at the Bonita House on the Santa Maria Campus in WHO (Women Helping Ourselves) and BAMBI (Baby and Mother Bonding Initiative). We will share the Christmas story, sing Christmas carols, offer a craft activity, socialize with the mothers while they enjoy snacks, and of course leave the mothers and babies with Christmas gifts.

Dates to Remember

DECEMBER 10: Christmas Parties at the WHO & BAMBI Units from 12:30-4:30 pm

Signup with Sandra at sandrav62588@gmail.com.

Holiday Food Baskets

Many in our community need a helping hand to have a Thanksgiving and/or Christmas meal. 

The Food Pantry plans to give out 600 holiday baskets this year. 

Thanksgiving baskets will have gift cards in place of food items. Please consider a monetary donation (no gift cards) to EFBHNM at 435 Stafford Run, Stafford, 77477 to help in purchasing these grocery gift cards.

Christmas baskets need the following:

Canned Pumpkin Pie Filling, Canned Yams (29 & 40 oz), Condensed or Evaporated Milk, Cranberry Sauce, Cream of Mushroom Soup (Condensed), French Onion Toppings, Cake Frosting, Turkey or Chicken Gravy, Boxed Stuffing Mix, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Boxed Pie Crust Mix, Canned Vegetables

Dates to Remember

DECEMBER 3: Place food donations in EFBHNM Collection Bins 

Questions? Contact Ginny  Schabacker at schabginny@windstream.net.

To help distribute baskets, contact fritz@humanneeds.org.

Shop Your Closet

For the Children in Reynosa

Shop in your own closet!

Five hours southwest of Christ Church, there are children who live with blankets for doors and no running water.

Help us and our sister churches in Reynosa bring a moment of Christmas joy by donating gently used toys (soft toys, balls, legos, dolls, cars, etc.) or other small gifts such as jewelry, sun glasses, watches, wallets, or travel size toiletries.

To learn more about our Mexico Missions, please visit their ministry page.

Dates to Remember

NOVEMBER 5, 12, & 19: Pick up a flyer at our Shop Your Closet tables for more information.

NOVEMBER 26: Last day to drop off donations in collection bins near room 11/12

NOVEMBER 26: Christmas Workshop Extravaganza with Christ Kids and youth, 9:30 am to 12 pm in RM 210/211

DECEMBER 1-2: Help deliver gifts to Reynosa.

Questions? Contact Olinda Jehovics at osjehovics@gmail.com or 713.385.8685.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoebox Gifts is a simple and interactive way to participate or to help a child learn about the joy of giving.

As a family, you can pack a standard-sized shoebox full of gifts for a boy or girl in a less developed country. The receiving child will feel the love of Christ through your gift and have the opportunity to hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

You or your family may also choose to follow the destination of your gift online.

Pick up a box to fill, use your own shoebox, or order a virtual box online by Nov. 19 at www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.

Dates to Remember

NOVEMBER 19: Return boxes or order virtual box online to be delivered in time for Christmas Information and follow-your-box mailing labels can be found: www.samaritanspurse.org/occ